The commitment to sustainability of supranational institutions and, in particular, of the European Union, has caused a regulatory tsunami that is difficult to incorporate in organizations. Many business sectors and companies are forced to adapt to these changes because of the regulatory framework or because their stakeholders demands. Conceiving these changes with a holistic, honest and positive vision towards society and integrated into the strategy is initially costly and may even require a cultural change, but it is necessary to advance in the organization and planet sustainability.

A B multiplier consultant will support you in improving the sustainability of your organization. We have also developed specific IT tools to facilitate the implementation of IQNet’s SR 10 and Forética’s SGE21 standards.

Development/Verification of Sustainability Report


Preparation for B-Corp certification

Un consultor multiplicador B le apoyará en la mejora de la sostenibilidad de su organización. También hemos desarrollado herramientas informáticas específicas para facilitar la implantación de las normas SR 10 de IQNet y SGE21 de Forética.


Sustainability Management

OBJECTIVES To acquire general knowledge about sustainability management references, the Spanish and European legislation and the basic methodology for its application in an organization….

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